› A Detailed Comparison Between The Observed and Synthesized Properties of a Simulated Type II Spicule. - Viggo Hansteen, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, University of Oslo
09:00-09:35 (35min)
› Recurrent Coronal Jets Induced by Magnetic Emergence - Pascal Démoulin, LESIA - Observatoire de Paris
09:35-10:10 (35min)
› Jets and eruptions following magnetic flux emergence into the corona - Fernando Moreno-Insertis, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
10:10-10:45 (35min)
› Energy Buildup in Active Regions: A Comparison of AR11158 with a Simulation of Magnetic Flux Emergence - Ward Manchester, Center for Space Environment Modeling, University of Michigan
11:15-11:50 (35min)
› Evolution of electric currents during active region formation - Tibor Torok, Predictive Science Inc.
11:50-12:25 (35min)
› Magnetic topology, the key to understanding the jets and eruptions following magnetic flux emergence into the corona !? - Klaus Galsgaard, Niels Bohr Institute & University of Copenhagen
14:30-15:05 (35min)
› Time-Dependence of Topological Features of PFSS Models of the Solar Corona - Marc DeRosa, Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
15:05-15:40 (35min)
› Nonlinear force-free extrapolation of emerging flux - Gherardo Valori, LESIA - Observatoire de Paris
15:40-16:15 (35min)
Data-Driven Modeling of Emerging Flux and Active Regions
Chairperson : Etienne Pariat
› Estimating flare's free energy using Poloidal-Toroidal Decomposition method. - Maria Kazachenko, Space Sciences Laboratory
16:45-17:20 (35min)
› A Magnetofrictional Method for Data-driven Simulations of Evolving Solar Coronal Fields - Mark Cheung, Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory - DeRosa Marc, Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory
17:20-17:55 (35min)